

Learning tailored for early childhood educators


Dr. 瑞秋一. Larimore 为一系列研讨会提供便利,从45分钟的主题演讲到多天的研讨会. These professional development 研讨会 are fun 和 engaging, while also being informative 和 inspirational.


Inspire your early childhood conference attendees 与 a nature-based keynote

Dr. 瑞秋一. Larimore, Chief Visionary of 萨马拉早期教育, provides keynote addresses to inspire, 挑战, 和 motivate your attendees. 她将把参与者从脱离自然的幼儿教育转变为拥抱基于自然的幼儿教育. 主题演讲的目的是给你和你的与会者提供知识, 技能, 以及在周一早上开始实施基于自然的想法的动力,同时也激励教育工作者对他们的早期儿童计划的未来抱有更大的梦想. Keynotes can be scheduled up to 1.5 hours, online or in-person, 和 include these possible topics*:

→ Learning Inside, Outside & 超越:为什么它很重要

→ Better Together: Strengthening Nature-Based Early Childhood Education


→以“为什么”为导向?”—Making Intentional Decisions in the Nature-based Early Childhood Classroom

→ Preschool Beyond Walls: Moving Towards a Nature-Based Approach

→ Shifting from Teaching 关于 教学 Nature: Learning from the Nature-Based Early Childhood Education Movement

*These can be customized, so please don’t be limited by this list. Let’s talk about your needs 和 your conference theme!



专业发展研讨会的重点是将基于自然的活动纳入您的课程,同时保持高质量的幼儿实践. Together we will customize each workshop, from three hours to multiple days, to meet the needs of program 和 team’s needs.

我们努力确保这些研讨会允许积极的学习和合作. 毕竟,我们是社会建构主义者,相信人们通过与他人互动来学习. This applies to both young children 和 adult learners.


While in-person learning is ideal, 我们认识到,有些因素有时使这一目标变得困难甚至不可能实现. Thus, we also offer virtual 研讨会. These 研讨会 can be synchronous, 异步, 或者两者兼而有之——根据你的情况选择.

例如, 我们可以为你的团队提供预先录制的演示文稿,然后安排一个研讨会时间来构建这些想法. 另一种选择是,我们可以提供一个带有演示文稿的完全同步的研讨会, 分组工作小组, 和问&一个会话. There are lots of possibilities!

All of our virtual 研讨会 are conducted via Zoom. Don’t worry—we h和le the tech. (Yes, we can h和le groups larger than 100.我们经常在研讨会期间使用额外的技术工具来提高参与者的参与度.

Possible workshop topics


→ Benefits of nature-based approaches for young children

→ Developing nature-based large 和 small group activities

→ Planning for emergent curriculum in nature-based programs

→ Integrating nature into your indoor environment

→ Communicating 与 parents about the nature-based approach

→ Leading excursions outside the play area

→ Developing natural play areas

→ Distinguishing between outdoor hazards, risks, & 恐惧

→ Using nature to enhance science learning

→ Business planning for 和 administration nature-based preschools

And more—let’s talk about what would work for your needs!

Gift for your participants

If you'd like to provide your participants 与 a unique gift, or even an incentive for early registration, you can add copies of Rachel’s book 超越围墙的学前教育:融合幼儿教育与自然学习 or 评估Natureness 为了降低费率. Be sure to ask us about this when you’re booking for your workshop!

关于博士. 瑞秋一. Larimore


瑞秋是一位教育家、演说家、顾问,著有三本书,包括 Establishing a Nature-Based Preschool超越围墙的学前教育:融合幼儿教育与自然学习. 她的热情和专长是有意地将自然融入幼儿教育中,以促进幼儿的全面发展.

Prior to establishing 萨马拉早期教育, 瑞秋在米德兰的奇佩瓦自然中心(CNC)创办了美国最早的以自然为基础的幼儿园之一, MI. 2007年创建的幼儿园是她担任教育总监15年任期的一部分. She continued as the director of the program until 2016 when, 在她离开时, 该项目每年通过公共和私人资金来源为140名儿童提供服务. 在CNC任职期间,她还共同主持了自然中心600万美元的资本扩张项目, which was completed in 2010. 扩建项目包括一座约5000平方英尺的LEED金牌认证幼儿园建筑. 在CNC工作期间, 雷切尔领导了与布洛克溪学校的合作,在公立学校系统内创建了一个以自然为基础的幼儿园和一年级.

瑞秋获得了博士学位.D. from Michigan State University’s Department of Teacher Education; a M.A. in Park 和 Recreation Administration from Central Michigan University; 和 a B.S. in Natural Resource Recreation 和 Tourism, 与 an emphasis in interpretation, from Colorado State University. Rachel has been recognized for her work by various organizations including the National Association for Interpretation Region 4’s in 2012 与 the “Master Interpretive Manager” recognition; First State Bank’s “RUBY Award” in 2013 for professionals under the age of 40; 和 Exchange Magazine in 2015 与 the “Promising Early Care 和 Education Leader” award. For even more about Rachel, visit www.rachel-larimore.com.

Click here to download Rachel’s speaker sheet.



一定要看看我们的 随需应变的研讨会 that can be scheduled at your convenience